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How to Wax your Underarms at Home?


Why should you wax your underarms?

Achieving hair-free and smooth underarms is every woman's dream. In the journey of underarm hair removal, a lot of women tend to shave since it is a fairly quicker method compared to making use of hair removal wax such as blue wax beans. Oftentimes women do not realize that when they choose to shave, they end up with stubbles leading to a hairy underarm within a day or two. However, using hair removal wax technique, one can have smooth and hair-free underarms for weeks at a time. Therefore, to save yourself time, waxing is a better alternative as compared to shaving.

Switching from shaving to waxing

If you have decided to switch from shaving to waxing, you need to keep in mind that upon waxing for the first time, little dots of blood might show up. However, this is nothing to be alarmed about. You will not have any scars left behind as a result of this.

Tiny dots of blood tend to show up since the skin in those areas are relatively sensitive. Moreover, hair removal wax, like blue wax beans pull the hair from its follicle. When dots of blood show up, apply a moisturizer or an aloe vera gel to the affected area. As a result, within a day or two, you will be able to admire your hair-free, smooth skin. As you continue to wax, no more blood will show up as your skin will get used to it.

How to use hair removal wax by yourself

Before you jump into waxing your underarms, make sure you have plenty of time in hand. For optimum results, avoid waxing when you are in a rush. Whether you would like to go for soft or hard hair removal wax, you need to have a wax warmer at home. For soft wax, you would require strips or clothes to pull the wax off. If you would like to go for hard hair removal wax, such as blue wax beans, you do not need to use strips or clothes to pull the wax off. Blue wax beans, for example, tend to become hard by itself and you can simply pull it off.

Firstly, apply some baby powder for absorbing the moisture. Since underarm is an area that is prone to sweating, you definitely need to keep this step in mind. In order to allow maximum hair-to-skin contact, the moisture is absorbed by the baby powder. This step would make sure the wax can properly stick to the hair instead of remaining on the skin.

Before applying wax, make sure your skin is really stretched by lifting up your arm high above your head. Then, using an applicator or a wooden stick, apply a small strip of wax in the direction of your hair growth. When targeting the hair on your underarms, for best results, work on small strips of wax.

If you are making use of soft wax, place a muslin strip or a Pellon strip over the wax you applied in order to get rid of the hair. Leave behind a small part of the strip away from the wax, so it can act as a handle for you to pull it off. Then, gently press down your hand over the strip in the direction of hair growth for smoothening.

When the wax has cooled off a little, you can now pull off the wax strip. Hold the end of the strip that you left as a handle and tightly pull your skin using one hand. Pull off the strip at a 45-degree angle in the opposite direction of hair growth using your other hand. It is crucial to pull off the wax strip quickly in order to avoid most of the wax sticking to the skin.

For your first attempt at waxing, having someone pull the wax strips for you might be a good idea. Also, it might be best to go to the salon and let the professionals handle the job if you have never waxed before. Afterward, when your hair grows back, you can choose to wax at home.

If you do not get 100% of your hair removed from your first pull, avoid reapplying wax on the same area in order to avoid skin irritation, tearing of skin and burns. If some lingering hair bothers you, you can use a pair of clean tweezers to remove them instead.

After finishing waxing

For relieving some pain after waxing, you can press your hand down on the area you just waxed on. If needed, you can use a wax remover or natural oil to get rid of any leftover residue of wax. To soothe your skin after waxing, apply aloe-based gel or an after-wax lotion.



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